September 5, 2005

On the Eve of School

On the night before a new term at the post-secondary institution that employs me, I am making some modifications to server in preparation for thousands of logins.

Each fall term is a harsh reminder that my summer is over. Not that I get much of a summer in my job. For me, those months are reserved for getting things done while students, faculty and a lot of staff are off doing summery things.

During those middle months, the campus population is represented by a skeleton crew of students, faculty and staff. It's like a post-apocalyptic, rag-tag group of humans searching for higher education. Like Battleschool Galactica.

Staff that spent the summer getting used to the uncrowded fitness facilities, non-existant line-ups at the cafeterias, undisturbed washrooms and low support call volume now find themselves crowded in throngs of humans determined to get in your way.

Soon the leaves will turn and fall, jackets and sweaters become mandatory and the nights come faster.

Goodbye Summer. See you next year.


Air said...

I feel your pain.

2:19 PM  

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