June 27, 2003

No More Tables

I decided to redeploy my site entirely in CSS2 today and set to the task with help from the following:
Features of this new design:
  • No more tables determining layout. Everything is done with CSS2.

  • The new layout is a Fixed-Fluid-Fixed version. The menus on the left and right are fixed sizes, with the middle section, containing the main body of content, is resizable.

  • I added a random Googlism to the page in the upper right corner. Reload for more examples.

What I am planning to do next:
  • Fix any problems that arise in this version (I'm calling it v0.5 Beta right now)

  • Improve the design. This was just a quick slap-together.

  • Extend this new design beyond the home page.

  • Allow the user to select the style sheet that is in use. I'll need to create 2 or 3 different styles.

  • Allow the user to select the font and font size that is displayed.

  • Set a cookie for the above two items so that users don't lose the setting they selected.

  • Create a "Print Version" style sheet.

There may be problems with the site not functioning as expected, or at all in certain browsers. If you find anything strange, please let me know!

Thank you. That is all.