August 25, 2002

Finally Home

I'm finally home, after flipping through 4 web hosts in 3 weeks. I have discovered a lot of details about finding a good web host that I just didn't know before. I noted a few of them previously, but there are some I forgot. I'll add to the list some other day, but suffice to say: it can be a hassle to move to a new host if you don't know what to look for.

Sure, I was being severely overcharged at my original host, but at least it was quiet and required little thought/stress.

But I've sorted through all of that and come up with a winner, so my site has a home. For now.

I also just got home from the Tragically Hip in Seattle, having managed to sell my extra tickets at the 11th hour to someone I work with. They must have been happy they bought them, as the show was just fantastic. It was one of the best shows I have seen the Hip perform, partly because it was up close & personal.

We stayed at the Moore Hotel, which was a pretty nice place right in the heart of Seattle, and just 4 blocks from the Pier 62/63 venue.

We also hung out at the zoo with a whole assortment of animals.

Pictures soon. Sleep now.