April 15, 2002

World Premiere

This past weekend, I made my very first film.

I conceived, shot, and edited the whole thing in about 5 hours. It runs 2 minutes and 30 seconds and was done as a gift for a friend of mine.

It was shot on my digital camera, which allows for a maximum of 30 second shots. The sound was pretty bad, the lighting was kind of dim, the shots were rushed and the editing was a little sloppy. But I loved it.

Loved it.

It was the process that made the experience for me. I really enjoyed setting up the shots, filming them, reviewing the 'rushes', sequencing the different scenes and editing to the final product.

I have always wanted to make films. I even attended some film classes years ago. Nothing ever came of it though, mostly because I had many things going on and I realized that the film industry, as I saw it then, wasn't something I wanted to be a part of. Since then, the technology has become much more accesible and the independant scene has really started to grow.

Now I can't wait to make my next feature.