April 2, 2001

Cycling in Vancouver

With the recent Transit Strike, the only way for me to get to work is to drive my car, walk, hitchhike, or ride my bike. Well, parking is way too expensive in the city (my car needs major repairs anyway), it's way too far to walk and hitchhiking speaks for itself.

That leaves my bike. A few years ago, when I used to work in Richmond, I'd ride into work a couple times a week. It was a hell of a ride, especially coming home.

My current situation, however, is a little more dire. Due to a damaged nerve in my lower back, I have almost-constant pain in my right leg. As a result, I haven't gotten a lot of exercise in the last few years which makes me a great candidate for passing out mid-commute.

Although I made it to work this morning, it's almost all downhill. As I was riding in, every downslope was laughing at me, knowing that I would eventually have to pump my weak and damaged body up a seemingly never-ending hill to my home.