December 19, 2000

Floss. Every day. I implore you.

I've been having some intermittent tooth pain in my remaining large lower molar lately (lost the other one about 5 years ago), so I went to the dentist today for a look-see.

The result? I need a root canal sooner than later, followed by a cap a few weeks after that.

Great. Just great.

A short explanation about me and dentists: mutual hate.

My introduction to the world of dentistry was Dr. Patterson, a crooked bastard that drilled and filled 8 of my teeth when I was a kid. More than likely, none of them were required.

A class action suit was brought against that tooth butcher after about 50 families compared records and found that he was doing an awful lot of unnecessary work. He lost the suit and I think some of his assistants ratted him out during the trial.

He was subsequently charged criminally and lost his license to practice dentistry.

Needless to say, I hate dentists.

Well, now I need a couple thousand dollars worth of work done, which I can hardly afford at this moment. No medical or dental coverage to offset the cost, either.

Maybe I should try this instead.