About the RCG:

The Random Catname Generator (RCG) is just a very large list of cat names, fact and fiction. I found the list on a cat lover's site, but I can't for the life of me remember where that was.

The RCG has 3 elements to it:

  1. These webpages
  2. Large cat name list
  3. A PERL script

1. The Webpages are just simply a way to display the information you are reading right now. I write all my HTML by hand, using HomeSite 4 or Notepad.

2. The Catname list, a giant textfile which currently has over 7300 names on it, and more being added every day!
July 23rd, 1999: I went through the list weeding out duplicates which pared down the list to just over 7300 names. I'm still getting about 50 new names a week!
October 9th, 2000: The list seems to still be attracting attention. I weeded out some duplicates, and added the newest batch, bringing the list to 8090.

April 6th, 2001: I haven't updated in some time, but I finally weeded through the list, added all the new names and we are just past 8900 names now.

October 26th, 2001:Well, the new names have slowed down somewhat, but with the new ones that I have been adding for a while now, I have just over 9150!

3. The PERL script is very simple. It generates a random number, pulls that numbered item from the list and displays it.

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